Sunday 13 August 2017

Can I apply colour tone curves before black and white processing in Lightroom?

I realise the answer to this is probably "no", but it seems worth asking. Is there a way to affect the order in which the various processing steps are applied in Lightroom? And specifically, is there a way to apply separate red, green and blue tone curves before the black and white processing?

What I mean by this is that if I select black and white processing, and then, in the tone curves module, apply a curve to only (say) the blue component, what I get is a tinted black and white image. In my case what I want is that the tone curve will be applied before converting to monochrome, so that I'll get a non-tinted black and white image with a different contribution from the blue channel. Of course I can export as a tiff and re-import, but I'm wondering if it can be done non-destructively.

(The reason I want to do this is not important for the question, but in case anyone's interested, it's because I'm shooting in infra-red with a 720nm filter, which results in a "false colour" image. I'm finding I can get a much better white balance by using the colour curves to line up the peaks in the three channel's histograms. Having got the white balance right I then want to process into black and white, but because the monochrome conversion happens before the colour curves it doesn't produce the result I want.)

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