What tripod would be recommended that is sturdy enough not to wobble in the wind, yet is light enough and easily and quickly movable so that I can use it to trek up hills, through awkward places and generally easy to move from A to B.
Some of the cheaper ones seem to look a bit flimsy. Ideally it needs to be to the cheaper end of the scale from $100 - $150 or under.
I have already read this post: What are my best options for a tripod for up to $100? and it didn't answer what I needed to know.
I am not interested in being able to use super heavy lenses (I don't have any) but it would be useful if it could support heavier lenses just in case!
I am happy to try solutions that would have separate bodies and heads so I can taylor the tripod for future plans.
my choice is Manfrotto 055XPROB Pro Tripod Legs (Black) see amazon055XPROB
I've been using it for 3 years and it handles all but my large lenses (its a little shaky for the 400mm) and it has a loop I can hook stabilizing weight to if I need it.
Check it out it may be a bit above your price range but it will serve you well for several years. I used to buy the cheap tripods for hoofing about in the woods but they rarely last a full season so I made the jump and haven't regretted the extra expense.
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