Monday 28 March 2016

software - What's the easiest way to access pure raw data (without demosaicing)?

What is the simplest way to access the data in a raw file before demosaicing and write it to a more widely supported file format (e.g. 16 bit TIFF)? I'm looking to obtain a single channel image where each pixel corresponds to a single pixel on the sensor (regardless of what colour filter it had in front).

The not so simple way would be digging into some open source RAW processing libraries and using code from there. Is there a simpler way (e.g. a command line tool)?


dcraw is what you want. Probably using -o 0 which will provide raw color data and possibly -D for an unscaled grayscale image. libraw is extracted from this code and will provide lower level access to a raw file, but will need more coding.

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